The Benefits of Surya Namaskar

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Meaning of Surya Namaskar:

     In Surya Namaskar " Namaskar" means "I bow my head with complete gratitude and offer myself to you whole heatedly without being biased and partial" and Surya means "the one who expands and illuminates the world".
When we do Surya Namaskar, we hope with complete gratitude before the one who illuminates the world.
Surya Namaskar is also known as Sun salutation

Best Time of Surya Namaskar: 

      This should be practiced in early morning while facing sun towards east. This asana should be done at least 3 times and maximum 5 times. 

Conditions before Surya Namaskar:

    One who performs surya namaskar, should have empty stomach, and able/eager to perform this asana with ease. Performer should not be given excessive stress to the muscle and must have good mental health and make it easy.


      If the performer is suffering from any physical deformity such as cervical pain, is not allowed to perform this asana.

Surya Namaskar Mantra( Chants):

   1. Om suryay Namah

    2. Om Divakaray Namah
    3. Om Bhaskaray Namah
    4. Om Ravyay Namah
    5. Om Bhanve Namah
    6. Om Adityay Namah
    7. Om Marichay Namah
    8. Om Savitrey Namah
    9. Om Pushnay Namah
    10. Om Khagay Namah
    11. Om Hirayagarbhay Namah
    12. Om Arkay Namah
    13. Om Mitray Namah

Aasana involved in Surya Namasakar:

   1. Prayer Pose ( Pranamasana)

          Muscles involved: Helps to relax and to calm body and mind.
          Breathing Action: Normal

    2. Raised Arms Pose ( Hasta Uttanasana)

          Muscles involved: Stretches chest and abdomen.
          Breathing Action: Inhale

    3. Hand to Foot Pose ( Padahastasana)

        Muscles involved: Massages abdominal organs, increase digestion
power and blood to brain.
        Breathing Action: Exhale
    4. Equestrain/ Lunge Pose ( Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

 Muscles involved: Stretches quadriceps, iliospoas muscle( two muscles are seperate in abdomen but usually merge in thigh) and spine, stimulates abdominal organs, increases mental power

 Breathing Action:  Inhale

    5. Stick/ Plank Pose ( Chaturanga Dandasana)

        Muscles involved: Improves posture, strengthens back muscle and spine, stretches shoulders and chest.
        Breathing Action: Exhale

    6. Saluting earth with eight points or parts/ Eight Limbed Pose ( Ashtanga Namaskar)

        Muscles involved: Expands chest and strengthens arms and legs.
        Breathing Action: Normal

    7. Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana)

        Muscles involved: Relieves tension in back and spine, stimulates abdominal organs and expands chest.
        Breathing Action:  Inhale

    8. Mountain Pose/ Downward facing Dog Pose 

      ( Parvatasana/ Adho Mukha Svanasana)

        Muscles involved: Strengthens legs and arms, stretches calf and spine muscle.
        Breathing Action:  Exhale

9. Equestrain/ Lunge Pose ( Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

        Muscles involved: Stretches quadriceps, iliospoas muscle( two muscles are seperate in abdomen but usually merge in thigh) and spine, stimulates abdominal organs, increases mental power. 
         Breathing Action:  Inhale

10. Hand to Foot Pose ( Padahastasana)

         Muscles involved: Massages abdominal organs, increase digestion power and blood to brain.
           Breathing Action: Exhale

11. Raised Arms Pose ( Hasta Uttanasana)

          Muscles involved: Stretches chest and abdomen.
          Breathing Action: Inhale

12. Prayer Pose ( Pranamasana)

          Muscles involved: Helps to relax and to calm body and mind.
          Breathing Action: Normal

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

     1. It tones every part of body or muscle included in asana. It rejuvenates the performer.

     2. If you do this asana quickly then it is used as Cardio exercise.

     3. It helps to maintain the proper weight of body and obesity can be reduced by this asana.

     4. It enhances the fitness and provide flexibility to the body.

     5. Regulate the proper blood circulation in the vein.

     6. Because of Inhale and Exhale the breadth, the lunges become stronger.

     7. It also provides Cardiac health due to proper supply of blood to the heart.

     8. During this exercise the Sun rays provide the Positive Energy to good health.

     9. Digestive system of the performer becomes stronger and also balance Harmones.

    10. It specially trains Spine, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Wrist, Chest, Glute muscle, hamstring and Leg muscles.

Interesting Questions

Que 1. Which two asanas cannot be repeated in surya namaskar,out of twelve asanas?
Ans.  Cobra Pose
         Stick/Plank Pose

Que 2. Is there any substitute to surya namaskar?
Ans. No there is not any substitute to surya namaskar.

Que 3. Can lumbar spondylitis patients do surya namaskar exercise?
Ans. No

Que 4. Is PURAK and rechak must strictly be followed in each step of surya namaskar?
Ans. Yes

Que 5.  Am I allowed to miss one step of surya namaskar sun salutation?
Ans. No one is allowed to skip any step because it completes with 12 steps.

                                                             Thanks with regards


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