Yogic Exercises for Arthritis
In Arthritis, Arth means Joints and Ritis means Inflammation. The umbrella term defines hundred diseases which are linked with inflammation of joints.
If you feel joint ache, it is the reason to worry, it may be Arthritis. If a person feels swollen or feeling inflexibility, it is the early sign of arthritis.
It may be caused due to reduction in cartilage that cushion your joints.
Some kind, it can be cured by performing Yoga regularly. Pains in joints reduced using Yogic exercises regularly.
Let us start some Yogic exercises to take benefits in Arthritis.
1. Child Pose ( Balasana) -
It is very beneficial pose to train back, buttocks, thighs, glute muscle, hamstring etc. To start this pose, sit in Vajrasana, flat your foot i.e. upper part of foot touches the floor, both the knees closer and buttocks touch the heels and palms at knees. Straighten your back , raise your hands up and palms are facing front. Inhale, and slowly bend your upper body towards floor, try to touch the head to the floor and palms touches the floor and be in such position for 30 seconds, during exercise breath is normal. After completing 30 secs, move to initial position with exhaling. It improves the flexibility and stretching of spine and hip flexors.
2. Cat- Cow Pose ( Bitilasana Marjaryasana)-
It is very useful asana to have relax in pain in joints. By doing this asana spine, back, abs starts toning and motion of joints creates the relief in pain in joints.
Sit in Vajrasana, heels are closer, buttocks on the heels and palms on knees.
Now raise your body up, flat your foot on floor and knees touches the floor. Bend your upper body forward, place your palms on floor and the angle b/w arms and body must be 90 degree and thighs should be at 90 with floor.
Inhale, arch your back up and head down, Stay for a moment. Exhale , bend your back down i.e. abdomen moving down and head moves up. Stay for a moment. In both of the position abdomen's central core affects.
Repeat this activity for 15 times and then relax
This activity trains your spine, back ,abdomen and helps to overcome from Arthritis.
3. Tree Pose ( Vrikasana)-
It is very good asana for joints and muscles. It especially tones the muscles of ankles, toes, knees, hip joints, shoulder joints, elbows, hands and fingers. It helps to reduce pains as you feel by proper circulation of blood around the joints. It also tone up the muscles of stomach and abdomen and as result core becomes stronger.
Now stand gently and foot of both legs are closer. Put your weight on one leg and light weight on other leg. Raise your leg by little pressure and foot must be facing forward. Hold the ankle of your leg and try to place at inner thigh near the pelvis as much as possible. Balance the body properly. Now raise your hands up and join the palms together, sight should focused forward. Breath is normal and steady, because steady breath can give you steady position. This will give the great control of your mind. Don't hold any chair or wall while performing this asana. Hold this position for 30 secs.
Repeat this activity by other leg. Do such 3 sets of asana.
4. Spine Lumbar Twist ( Supt Matyasendrasana)-
This is the great exercise to get relief in pain because it stretches your spine. This exercise helps to train hamstring, spinal cord, pelvis Now lie down on floor with all limbs in contact of floor.
Inhale, raise your left leg and bend at knee. Grip the knee by right palm and press the knee towards right closer to floor as possible. Turn your neck in opposite of bending or towards left.Right arm must be straight and right palm facing sky.Right leg is straight and toe is flat in right side. Hold this position for 30 secs. Now return to original position with exhaling.
Take rest for 10 secs and repeat this activity by right leg in the same way.
5. Knee Chest Stretch-
Very useful exercise for arthritis patients because it stretches spine, glute muscle, hamstring and pelvis. It gives relief in pain in hip joints and hip flexor.
Lay down on floor from back and all limbs must touch the floor.
To perform this exercise, Inhale, raise your left leg and bend at knee. Grasp by both hands below the knee or slightly above the ankle and press the chest by thigh, head must be at floor or slightly above from floor. Hold this position for 30 secs. Exhale and return to normal position.
Also repeat this exercise by right leg.
Arthritis is very painful and deteriorates the performance of activity or working. So be careful and take precaution in initial stage by advising medication or yogic activities. When pain is acute , preform simple and easy exercises and increase intensity when curing up. Definitely you will get relief in pain and after some time you will better like no arthritis.
With Regards:
Rajeev Kumar Gupta
Visit: Aerobics, Yoga and Fitness
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