Exercises For Increase Height

Exercises for increase height, Exercises for height

Height is the important feature to impress some one. Good height is the need of every one to show the good personality. But due to some factors such as genes, diet, physical activity, our surroundings, the height affects. Instead of taking medicines, we must follow some physical exercises, because improper medication can affect hormones which may be unbalanced,while physical activity is always plays a safe role.

One should know that growth of body stops after we hit puberty, however some people still grow at 22 - 25 age. Some of exercises strengthen the muscle power to build the height. Proper diet, hood surroundings also help t grow height by balancing hormones and nutrition.

Now let us start some exercises help to increase height.

(i) Bar Hanging-

 Some environmental factors like gravity, compress the body parts like spine ,joints in downward so we look shorter. To overcome by this problem we use the bar to hang to make proper space in joints.
 The horizontal bar must be at such a height that one can hang over it by taking jump and release the tension and leave the body free and weight of body is balanced by hands. In advance ,who can do, move slowly up by pushing bar against gravity as much as possible and go down slowly, don't hurry. Because a sudden movement can affect the joint and spine, so be careful. This activity must be repeated at least 5 times. Hanging as per your capacity.

(ii) Spot jump- 

It is the very good exercise for height increment  along with strengthening of calf muscles. toes, hamstring, glute,  spine, shoulders,thighs etc.
For this activity, open the legs in standing position and width between legs should be the width the shoulders  and hands parallel to the body.
Now start jumping, while jumping both hands are near the ear, bend at elbow and palms facing ear , while moving down , bend at knees making an angle 90 degree with calf and hands should be straight slightly back of hips.. Time for this activity  is  30 sec to 1 min. Repeat at least 3 sets.

(iii) Cobra Stretch-

This is also a good exercise to increase height.This exercise is used for growth of cartilage between your vertebrae, resulting in the increase of height.
Lay down on mat on the floor, towards front side, chin, palm, toes, knees all touche the mat. To perform this exercise , palms should be near the shoulders and palms facing floor, lift up your upper body with arching spine and elbow is soft, chin up, lower part from abdomen to toes should  touch  the floor, whole pressure of the body is on palms. Bend as much as tensile strength of your body allows. Repeat this activity at least 3 times. This activity improves the flexibility in your back.

(iv) Plank-

 Plank is a central core exercise, most of the persons used to build their abs. In spite of, it is also used to increase height. This activity helps to strengthen toes muscles, shoulders, spine, glute/ pelvic.
To start this exercise, bend your elbows and place in contact of floor, wrist touches the ground. Whole body is balanced on toes and elbows. The part between neck to ankle must be straight and approximately parallel to the ground. Try to squeeze your abs. Hold this position for at least 30 sec. The timing can be increased by making practice. This activity must be repeated at least 3 times. 

(v) Cat- Cow Position-

It is really very good exercise  to making spine flexible, strengthening the shoulders, improving blood circulation, helping in the distribution of oxygen in body and it removes stress and induces calm.

To perform this activity, bend at knees and place on floor making an angle 90 degree with waist line. Place palms  on ground, facing ground and arms making an angle 90 degree, rest part of body parallel to ground. To start this exercise, lift your pelvis up with inhaling and arch your spine up  and head down lies in between hands and try to bring chin near chest, be in this position for 2 to 3 sec and then pelvis down and stretch your spine downward and head up and exhale, be in position for 2 to 3 sec. This provide the flexibility in spine, strengthening glute muscle, stronger the hips. This helps in the feline stretch and expands every single cartilage disc present in your spinal column. this will result in the growth of height.

(vi) Sun- Salutation-

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This activity is the greatest one to increase the height. This helps to loosen up joints and muscle in shorter time. This improves spinal flexibility and helps to grow the height. The increase in height varies from person to person and depends on lot of factors. For good results, practice should be made 3 to 5 times a day. This activity tunes every part of body.
This article is previously published on aeroyogfit.com , link of this article is given.

Note: To achieve the best goal, practice should be made on regular basis. This will really helps to achieve the goal and one thing, your diet plan should be nutritious and healthy containing good protein, carbs with less fat.



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