In the running situation, belly sagging is due to Belly Fat in males and females are very common. It is due to many factors. Some of the people take improper diet like fast food, high fat consumption etc. Some factors are genetically produced. In most of the females, it is seen that belly sagging/ increasing weight is caused after pregnancy and delivery. But is a common problem by which males/females are facing and feeling low energy level, pain in joints (arthritis), movement problem(gout). It is only due to increase in weight of upper part of body while lower part of body becomes thin and unable to carry the weight of upper part of body. So it is very crucial to overcome from this problem. They must have to do regular exercises to balance the body and by which belly fat will also reduce.
(i) Mountain Climbers-
How to do-
Place your palms on the floor and arms making an angle of 90 degree with floor, toes should touch the floor and feet should be shoulder apart. Rest part of body i.e. from neck to ankle must be straight and inclined. The whole weight of body is balanced by palms and toes. The elbows should be straight. Now bend your right knee and bring towards chest like virtual walking and toe of right leg just touches the ground and return back. This process is repeated by left leg. This is the way to perform 'Mountain Climber'. The name is given by the shape like mountain and climber is given by t he name, lifting/elevated on mountain. In this exercise; triceps, deltoids (rounded triangular muscle located on uppermost part of arm and top of shoulder), abs, hip flexor, quads, hamstring and butt are included. It definitely help to Lose Weight.
1. It is a full body workout that will help you to burn calories and reduce belly fat.
2. Improves posture and balance.
3. Best exercise for toning glute.
4. Keeps your lungs and heart healthy.
(ii) Russian Twist-
Russian Twist is the great calorie burning exercise. Increasing the intensity and/or adding weight to the exercise helps to burn more calorie. It helps take care of love handles.
How to do-
Sit on the floor. bend your legs at knees, crossed the ankles to make balance , legs are slightly elevated. The back is straight and lean with floor at an angle 45 degree. The shape of posture is V-shaped. Bend your elbow, crossed the palms and part from shoulder to elbow is parallel to body.
Twist your torso towards left along with hands , movement of upper body is not different. Exhale while twisting and inhale while returning the central position.
This activity must be done towards right. In this way you must perform 12 to 15 reps in one set. perform at least 3 sets.
1. It is a core exercise and also used to develop abs.
2. All abdominal muscles are engaged.
3. It strengthens the rectus abdominis (abdominal muscle), internal obliques, and external obliques.
4. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and helps to reduce fat on belly or tummy area.
(iii) Legs Lift-
It is the great exercise to burn the fat of lower abdomen and it improves the flexibility of your hip flexor. Parts of lower body i.e. glute, hamstring, thighs, lower abs all become trained.
How to do-
Lay down on mat/floor in straight position, facing up. Place your both palms underneath your lower back and glutes so your pelvis is supported. Because pelvis plays a crucial role in our body. Join the ankles together and raise your legs up making an angle 90 degree with floor, at this angle hip touches the floor, beyond this angle hips raises. Repeat this exercise for 12-15 reps per set. At least 3 sets must be done or according to your easiness.
1. It is a core blast exercise used to burn the calorie.
2. It provide flexibility to hip flexors.
3. It trains glute muscle.
4. Pelvis becomes more stronger.
5. Helps to reduce lower belly fat and give shape to the body.
(iv) Plank Hip Twist-
This exercise is very crucial to reduce lower belly fat, totally hits on muffintop area and also works on core muscle.
How to do-
Be in the position of plank i.e. place your elbows on the floor, forearm parallel to floor , touches the floor. Each palm making grip or both palms joined together, upper aprt of arm( elbow to shoulder) be at 90 degree, toes touches the ground and body part from shoulder to ankle be in straight line. The weight of body is balanced on elbows and toes.
Now twist your hips towards left and try to touch the hip on the floor and return to the central position. Same procedure is repeated to right side. Main our movement in this exercise is hip twist.
1. It improves postures.
2. Helps to reduce belly fat.
3. Helps to improve flexibility.
4. Reduces Back pain.
5. It targets core, glute, abductor and biceps.
(v) Windmill-
It is very good exercise in twisting for abs, obliques(internal and external) and lower back. Supine twist is great for your back. This twist, greatly works to shrink waistline and give good looking shape.
How to do-
Lie down on floor and give pressure to floor by back and shoulder. Now bend your knee and lift your legs at an angle 90 degree, calves are parallel to floor, both the legs are not apart and butt touches the floor. Both of arms are at an angle 90 degree with the body and palms are facing floor. Twist your supine towards left, neck towards right and try to touch the knee with the floor. Keep in such position for 2- 3 sec. and return back to your central position. Same process is repeated towards right. This exercise must be done 10 each side in one set. Perform such 3 sets. You will really feel good and may be back pain gone (furr ho jaata hai).
1. This exercise is mostly used to core strength.
2. Improves hip hinging ability.
3. Removes back pain and abnormalities.
4. Very great to shoulder stability and hamstring flexibility.
5. Enhance glute and develop separation between upper body and lower body.
Exercise To Lose Belly Fat is very important for you so plz try them all.
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