Exercises for Hernia
What is Hernia-
Hernia occurs when contents of body cavity bulge outward from their location. Such contents may include portions of intestine or abdominal fatty tissue enclosed in a membrane lining. Many structures of body (including brain) are vulnerable to herniation though hernia most often refers to bulges in lower torso involving the abdominal wall. While hernias are often harmless, they all carry risk of complications, particularly, should the blood supply to the contents of hernial section is cut off, so it is also called strangulated hernia.
Causes of hernia-
1. Obesity
2. Heavy lifting or any other intense straining of the abdomen.
3. Coughing such as chronic or as with smokers.
4. Straining during a bowel movement or urination.
5. Chronic lung disease.
6. Pregnancy
7. Fluid in abdominal cavity.
8. Family histories of hernia.
Signs and Symptoms-
1. A lump in the groin or other abdominal region, sometimes preceded by aching or pain.
2. Pain increasing during coughing.
3. Bowel obstruction, nausea and vomiting.
4. Reddish, tender(soft) area of abdomen.
5. Burning sensation in abdominal or scrotal(genital) region.
6. Increases pain from long periods of standing up.
Clinical treatment is right choice for hernia , but we know prevention is better than cure. We are trying to decrease the intensity of hernia by making some efforts by exercises. So let us start some basic exercises.
1. Single Leg Lift-
Take rest position on floor, upper and lower back touches floor, legs are straight , arms straight and palms facing floor and facing up.
How to do-
Inhale, Raise your left leg without bending knee and as far as without feeling pain in hamstring and exhale, drop your left leg slowly and heel touches the floor.
Same activity is repeated with right leg. Combination of activity by left and right leg , taken as one rep, At least 5 reps must be done in 1 set. Perform at least 3 sets.
If you are recovering from hernia repair surgery, practice single leg lift raising 3 times a day, but only raise your legs up to 60. Avoid any strain to your abdomen. Good activity for hernia curing.
2. Head Lifting-
Lie down on the floor, arms side by side, head ,shoulders, back, buttocks and heel touch the heel.
How to do-
Lift head , shoulders, hands slightly up and hands parallel to floor while exhaling and keep in this position for a moment and slowly return back. Repeat this exercise for 10 times or more depending on your capacity. This exercise will try to overcome from hernia.
3. Gas Releasing Pose(Pawan Muktasana)-
Lie down on the floor, arms side by side, head ,shoulders, back, buttocks and heel touch the heel.
How to do-
Bend your knees, bring the knees near the chest and heels near the buttocks. Make a grip by closing hands to the legs and lift up the head and try to touch the knees. Be in such position for few moments or as per your capacity. If you feel pain then slow down the intensity. Don't exert excessive pressure.
Repeat this activity for 5 times.
4. Boat Pose(Naukasana)-
Sit in relaxed position, legs are straight and hands are slightly back of your hips to make such position.
How to do-
Lift your legs just above the floor, keeping legs straight, toes pointing outward, just lean your upper body making an angle 45 degree with the floor and try to make arms parallel to floor or parallel to legs. Balance your body weight hip bones, spine should not arch. Lengthen the front of your torso from your pubic bone to the top of your sternum. The lower belly (the area below your navel) should be firm and somewhat flat, but not hard or thick. Stay in such position for few moments. Feeling slight strain on abdomen but practice make it easy and Useful to cure hernia.
5. Abdominal Lock( Uddiyana Bandh)-
There are 3 types of lock- (i) Mool Bandh( Anus Lock) (ii) Uddiyana Bandh( Abdominal Lock) (iii) Jalandhar Bandh( Throat Lock)
All bandhas play own crucial role and in absence of any bandh ,remaining bandhas are incomplete. All the locks or bandhas together, called Maha Bandhas
Let's perform this exercise.
How to do-
Take standing straight position, legs are shoulder width apart, facing forward, arms touching sides of thighs and palms toward thighs. Now slightly bend your knees and bring the palms just above knees, arms are straight, facing down. Exhale your breadth, and jerk the abdomen in and out to make stomach empty. Initially start with Mool Bandh ( Squeeze your anus) the pull your stomach inwards so that ribs your body come to see and finally lock the throat( Jalandhar Bandh) i.e. touch your chin with your chest. Be in this position for counting of 10. Initially unlock Mool Bandh then Uddiyana Bandh and finally Jalandhar Bandh. One set is completed. Repeat this activity 5 times.
My Views-
Due to weakening of body walls, Hernia appears, by bulging fat portion or intestine. Surgical treatment is the way to cure it but in initial stage it can be cured by precaution and by doing some physical and yogic exercises. Our aim is just to aware the people about physical fitness which can be maintained by yogs as well as physical exercises.
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